All About Communication Blog
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Modelling Without Expectation
Modelling without Expectation is one key strategy when your child is using Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC).
Neurodiversity Affirming
What is neurodiversity-affirming practice? ‘Neurodiversity-affirming’ — a term you have likely heard over the last couple of years, although not new. Neurodiversity-affirming practice moves away
Interoception Like many speech professionals, recently, I have been doing quite a bit of unlearning about past approaches used in therapy. I have been learning
Bilingual Homes
Bilingual Homes We often get referrals for clients in bilingual homes. These referrals lead to discussions about speech development for children when parents are bilingual
Late talkers
Are late talkers just lazy kids? Um, No!! I have a tough time skating. I can go forward and around the corners, but skating backwards
Do girls start talking earlier than boys?
Do girls start talking earlier than boys? The simple answer is yes. Girls, on average, use gestures earlier, use words earlier, have a greater vocabulary
Does Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) delay verbal language production? Short answer: No. AAC is a great way to develop functional communication! Communication is everywhere
My Toddler is Stuttering Should I be Concerned?
My Toddler is Stuttering Should I be Concerned? Is your toddler repeating sounds and words, all of a sudden? Do they seem to get stuck
What is a Communicative Disorders Assistant?
A Communicative Disorders Assistant, or CDA for short, are uniquely trained in the delivery of therapy under the supervision of a Speech-Language Pathologist.
Promoting Literacy 101
It’s never too early to start promoting literacy with your family! It can even be as simple as leaving books lying around your home. Sounds easy right? Well, IT IS! Just leave books all around your house!
My Hearing Loss Journey
Go get your hearing checked regularly. Hearing aides are not a sign of a problem but a willingness to use the available technology to let us hear like we did when we were twenty!! And that technology is so cool now.
Language Facilitation Techniques
I’ve provided a list of some great language facilitation techniques. These can be used with all children who are learning language, whether there is a delay or not.
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"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is a process, and working together is success."
— Henry Ford, The Power of Collaboration