Late talkers

Are late talkers just lazy kids? Um, No!! I have a tough time skating. I can go forward and around the corners, but skating backwards and stopping are impossible for me. So, am I just a lazy skater? Um, No!! Learning to talk is a complex skill to learn and master. Children need to pay […]
Do girls start talking earlier than boys?

Do girls start talking earlier than boys? The simple answer is yes. Girls, on average, use gestures earlier, use words earlier, have a greater vocabulary and combine words earlier than boys do. But the world is not simple. Research has shown us that the difference is not very significant. Girls speak on average one month […]
Promoting Literacy 101

It’s never too early to start promoting literacy with your family! It can even be as simple as leaving books lying around your home. Sounds easy right? Well, IT IS! Just leave books all around your house!
Sticky Sticky Bubble Gum File Folder Activity

This fun activity can be used with any child who loves to sing, which is almost every child!!